Who We Are
An important factor in doing business with R&R is that our allegiance is to our client and no ties to any manufacturer or supplier. By maintaining this position allows R&R to aid the client in choosing what components that best fit the project while maintaining cost control.
Additionally, R&R's impartiality is an essential element of doing business. Recommendations and advice is based solely on our expertise and the client's specific needs and objectives, without any bias or outside influence.
Impartial voice, with no preconceived agenda, working for and with the client by applying our experience to implement and safeguard the client’s objectives.

Understanding the technical, contractual and strategic mistakes that other players have made.

Bringing a depth of additional experience, beyond that of the company itself as well as teaming with other organizations.

Experience and relationships with suppliers globally and domestically in all aspects of the underwater sector.

Specialist expertise from professionals in the underwater industry.

Unique array of skills covering management, technical, commercial, strategic areas.